Thursday, January 31, 2013

Hunguri: Cadka Rag walaaleeya? Mise!

Somaalidii hore ayaa waxay odhan jirtay, cadka rag walaaleeya waa hunguri.
Taas oo macnaheedu ahaa, qofka markaad wax tarto oo aad xoolo aad ku dhaanto aad wax ka siiso, qofkaa waad isku dhowaataan oo qofkaasi "wax wada cun" baa idinka dhaxeeya. Haddii aad qaladaad kale ka gashana waxaa laga yaabaa inuu arintaa hungurigga awgeed uu kuugu hamrado. Taas macnaheedu maaha, xoolaha aad siisay awgeed waxaad qofkaa ka bedeshay fikirkiisii iyo aragtidiisii isaga u gaarka ahayd ee ku wajahnayd aragtidiisa guud, balse waxaad muujisay isu soo dhowaansho labadaa qof kaliya u dhaxeeya. Sidda caadada Soomaaliyeed ahaan jirtayna, qof mowqifkiisa ku bedesha sarif yar oo dacalka loogu soo shubay wuxuu shacabka dhexdiisa ka mudnaan jiray liidnimo iyo in ragganimadiisa iyo waxtarnimadiisa shaki la geliyo oo waxaa loogu hal qabsan jiray:

"war qofkii maalintaa shaaha u shuba baa kaga hadal siiya"
"War ma shillinkii Hebel baa hadlaya, mise maskaxdaadii"
"Taas maqalnay, oo waa laguu soo dhiibaye, adigu fikirkaa hadal" IWM

Haddaba iyadoo sidaa loo arki jiray ragga noocaas ah, ayaa waxaa muuqata in adduunkii is bedelay oo imika rag badani ay ceeb la'aan la tahay wixii aabayaashood iyo awoowayaashood ay ka hagoogan jireen. Rag badan ayaa subixii u kalaha oo u suuq taga inay seyladaha wax lagu kala iibsado geeyaan fikirkooda oo qofkii bixiya shilimaadka ugu roon ay ka iibiyaan fikirkooda. Fikirkoodu saacadda laga bilaabo maaha mid shaqsiyan ah ee waa mid kiro ah. Inta heshiiskaasi jiro fikirkaasi waa jiraa, maalinta heshiiskaasi dhamaadana ama waa in la cusboonaysiiyaa ama mar kale ayaa la iibinayaa fikirkooda, kii shalay mid ka soo horjeeda ayaa laga yaabaa inay waqtigan ka iibiyaan. Kana xishoon maayaan in la weydiiyo is khillafka ku jira kiisii shalay iyo kan maanta. Sababta ay uga xishoon waayeen waxaa weeye, qiimayntii umadda oo dhan ayaa hoos u dhac ku yimid oo qaar badan oo ummadda ka mid ah ayaa iyagoo fool xumadda meesha ka socota u jeeda aan waxba ka odhanayn balse waaba difaacayaan oo cudur daaro laga weji duubto isticmaalaya.

Taasi waxay sababtay xaaladda ka jirta SSC, iyo inta axad ee shalay Puntland hormuud ka ahaa, markii cusboonaysiintii la waayayna qaatay qandaraas kale oo Hargeisa soo dhoodhoobtay. Fu'aad Aadan Cadde, waa nin xumaddi hayso oo wareersan, balse arin uu yidhi baan u guuxay oo uu ku dhaamo caadda qaate kasta oo Soomaaliyeed meel kasta oo uu ka yimid. "Sii carar oo marba dhan u carar, waa gunnimo" ugu yaraan isaggu waa nin mowqif leh, haddii arin meel lala dhigana waxay u egtahay in loogu imanayo.

Cadkii Hunguri ahaa ee rag walaalayn jiray waxay u muuqataa in waqtigu bedelay oo imika uu noqonayo "cadkii rag kala geeyay." Sababtu waxaa weeye, odhaahdaa soo jireenka ahi waxay ka turjumaysay wax isa siinta iyo siday ragga isugu soo dhawayso. Balse imika, rag hunguri qaatay, iyo qolo durbaanadda u garaacaya ayaad moodaa in SSC ay kala gaynayaan. Golayaal badan oo SSC waxaad ku arkaysaa fikirkii la iibsaday oo si habsami ah u shaqaynaya, hungurigiina wuxuu u xuub siitay inuu noqdo rag kala geeye'e aan cad kale oo rag walaaleeya caleema saarano!
waxaan ku soo gunaanadayaa gabaygii Dhoodaan tiriyay. Dhoodaan gef bay ka ahayd, balse halkan waa ku haboon yahay!

Faqa soo dhamaaday ee, ogaan loogu fulinaayo
Nacas fooraraa yeela, iyo ficilka doofaare
Fariid kamabba suurowdo iyo, geesi fool addage
Rag fidaa'inimo sheegta, oo meel facshara taagan
Runta anoo ka fuuryeeli, waa inaan shir feydaaye
Markii aad shacbiga fuuqsatee, dili fariidkaaga
Garaadiyo(darajo) fuluus bay dabeed, kuu fasaxayaane
Loomaba fadhiyin waa amuur, xaal fashiiste ahe
Darajada faduusha ah, waxay fadhato kuu siisay
Amay faraqa lacagtaad ku shuban, kuugu fidinayso
War soow taa in laga fiirsadaa, meesha kuma fiicna
Fanna cawdu maxaa taa, inaad fahanto kuu diiday?

Waxaa shirarka SNMta u gaar ah lagu muujiyaa waxay xaqiiqda ah ee SNM u taagantahay kaas oo ah  beelaha ay SNM metesho. Sida ka muuqata sawirkan hoose SNM waxay u taagan tahay Habraha. Intii kale ee SNM ka mid ahayd xagee lagaga tegay? Beeshii Gudabiirsi maxaa ku dhacay?  Afarta Is-xambaar ee Khaatumo & Maakhir ka tegay waa tuug calooshoodu xukunto oo reero kale dabkooda kulaala.
SNM=somaliland=HABROX, X=Jeclo, Yooni, Awal.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Cusmaan Badawi oo waraysi la yeeshay Cigaal 1967 (AHUN)

 "Meel Aar ka kacay atoor farfariisay" Ina Cigaal wuu xigmad iyo caqli dhaamay Siilaanyo iyo shurunshuurka ku wareegsan!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Federation is the only realistic Option for “Somaliland”

With the US officially reaffirming the recognition of President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud’s government as the legitimate and sole representative of Somalia after twenty long years of civil strife and political wilderness, the secessionist entity of Somaliland that failed dismally to muster any meaningful support for its futile exercise for international recognition has now been given one last diplomatic lifeline: to federate with Somalia or face a slow death and total irrelevance. In the Q&A session that followed president Mahmoud’s reception at the US State Department, the outgoing secretary Hillary Clinton had confirmed that the infamous dual track policy that seemed to favor the secessionists at one stage is now dead in the water, ultimately delivering a hammer blow to the secessionists’ elusive international recognition.
The writing was always on the wall for the secessionists, except the SNM elites in Hargeisa and elsewhere in the former British Protectorate have adopted no-hear, no-see policy on the international law to the point of delusion that Ismail Omar Geulleh of Djibouti had ridiculed them in his interview with the Indian Ocean Newsletter by saying this: “they [the secessionists] put the cart before the horse”. To put President Geulleh’s remarks in plain and simple English, the secessionists have got their priorities spectacularly wrong.
Their unrealistic and rather hopeless quest for international recognition has become an obsession to the point that even their own people have now lost faith in them that they don’t take them seriously anymore. Who will blame them? What is more ironic about the secessionists is the fact that Hargeisa is teeming with men and women of high diplomatic stature and experience who are well versed on the international law, but unfortunately the men with guns in their midst have taken them for a ride and put the entire population on straitjacket.
The long-awaited US recognition of Somalia comes on the backdrop of events that started last year with the endorsement of the United National Security Council that Somalia’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and its unity (oneness) is sacred in resolution 10768. Unless secessionists are living in cloud cuckoo land, which indeed most of their politicians were living in the past twenty years, even the optimists in their midst should now hold up their hands and say enough is enough; it is all over. Even the diehard secessionist, Faisal Ali Waraabe, who infamously said that the boy born in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) is preferable to him [Somaliland] to the boy born in Mudug, has finally lost hope and relayed the doom news from Washington DC to his fellow politicians that the chance of “Somaliland” getting diplomatic recognition is dead and needs to be given a decent burial, even if his blame was directed at Ahmed Silanyo, the secessionist’s president.
Political pundits, including the author of this article believe the odds of Somaliland getting international recognition is comparable to winning the Euro Millions (a transnational lottery played in seven European countries) where the chance of landing the jackpot (the highest prize) is an astounding 1 in 76,275,360 (one in seventy six millions). Recognition is as hard as this, and this is perhaps why Fowzia Yusuf Haji Aden, the current Foreign Minister of Somalia and former aspirant for the top office of the secessionists, has jumped this stricken ship. To see the measure of desperation in the secessionist enclave, Fowzia has recently been mobbed by secessionist admirers in her latest stopover in Berbera airport en route to Mogadishu, whilst Mohamed Abdillahi Oomar, who previously held the same portfolio under the Transitional National Government of Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke, was cruelly refused to attend the funeral of his beloved father for being part of Somalia setup. Somalia’s new foreigner minister is considered by many as lucky because she changed course at the right time.
How often you heard from their politicians that the green shoots of recognition is around the corner and that Hargeisa and Burao will soon become little Dubai or Kuwait city overnight?  Well, this could have been achieved, though not in the same scale as the aforementioned cities, had secessionist politicians stayed true to their Somali-ness and declared Hargeisa as the capital of Somalia following the collapse of the Somali state in early 1991 when clan militias have ousted Siyad Barre from power. Should secessionists used their heads rather than their hearts, Hargeisa and Burao could have prospered than they are today and subsequently Somalia might have been in a better position economically, politically and financially than it is today in what could have been a win-win situation for all Somalis.
Saca Faarsa tegay,
Soddon maalintuu qado,
sandulluu ku iman.
The above-mentioned Somali adage roughly translates: a strayed cow that refuses to drink with the rest of the herd will eventually come back after being thirsty for thirty days. The fact that the secessionists are more than willing to sit down with their fellow brothers that they so much despised in the past speaks volumes about their lack of understanding in the international politics. Not so long ago, when warlords were tearing Mogadishu residents into shreds, the secessionists thought everything was wrapped up for them at the expense of their fellow Somalis. Now it is their turn to face the music. What a turnaround of fortunes!
The British government, which is about to host a conference scheduled to take place in May this year, should thread very carefully on the issue of Somali unity as the secessionists in Hargeisa has neither the moral authority nor the mandate to represent the people of northern Somalia, except their own constituencies. The people of Northern Somalia, notably those from Awdal, SSC and Makhir have their own representatives in Awdalstate, Khatumo State of Somalia and Makhari State. As a former colonial master, the British government should know the history of northern Somalia better than anyone else. Let us remind everyone, including the May conference hosts that the unionist communities in the aforementioned regions are the very same people who formed United Somali party (USP) in late 1959 to ensure they remain part and parcel of the big Somali family, a noble principle they hold dearly to this date.
Even twenty years of lawlessness in Somalia as well as SNM hegemony and transgression in their lands could not dent their desire and aspirations to remain part of Somalia. They withstood everything the secessionists could throw at them, even when their cities and towns were razed to the ground, their properties vandalized and their men and women slaughtered by the ruthless clan militia of SNM. To this day, the people of Hudun, part of SSC territory, are threatened by the clannish army of Somaliland.
It will be folly, therefore, for the British government to extend a red carpet to the SNM-led secessionists who, in reality, represent nobody but themselves and exclude representatives of unionist communities such as Professor Ahmed Ismail Samatar and Dr. Ali Khalif Galaydh from the upcoming May conference scheduled to take place in London. These prominent figures in Somali politics from northern regions of Somalia should be given an opportunity to represent their people in Awdal and SCC territories respectively as well as the Somalis in general. As for the secessionists, they tried all they could to get international legitimacy i.e. recognition but failed miserably. In light of the latest US recognition of Somalia, which will soon be followed by the rest of the international community, the repetition of the same failed policies in the past twenty years will only result in the secessionists’ continued isolation and political wilderness. Federation is the only realistic option open to them. The question on everyone’s lip, therefore, is this: will they learn from their past mistakes, or simply continue pursuing the same failed polices of secession? Only time will tell.
Mohamed F Yabarag

Thursday, January 24, 2013

What do Spiders and Silanyo’s Somaliland have in common?

A fulltime homemaker, and native of Somalia, I can tell you that I have firsthand knowledge of both of these two entities and know full well how they operate; so you would say, I am certainly not talking out of my hat.
Reason tells us that when you want to build a house for yourself, there’s a few things that you would need to do. And unless you are a spider, or uncivilized, you wouldn’t make a dash for your neighbor’s house, without taking into consideration the consequences of your actions. Therefore, the first thing you’ll need to do before you embark on your project is to secure a space of your own, so as to build your home on safe grounds.
We do not need a scientist to tell us what spiders do when they get the urge for accommodation. As any housewife would tell you, you may go off on that vacation, but don’t you blame me if you find little aliens dangling down from your ceiling or from under your bed, on your return.
In case you didn’t know, spiders don’t know how to ask, nor do they have any scruples about messing up your system. 
That is how they are, they just follow their instincts. But you can’t blame them, they are insects. So Halal and Haram is definitely the last thing on their tiny brains as they hook up those smart nets of theirs and prop up their scrawny legs in the corners of your living space.If spiders had any sense, or didn’t have such short memories they would think twice before gate-crashing other people’s properties.  But spiders are spiders, and no matter how many spiders lose their lives in someone else’s kitchen, spiders never learn.
You’d never catch a spider warning a friend about the dangers of curling up in other people’s beds: Ok guys, forget those looted settlements. Let’s just back our bags and look for a place of our own. That way, we get to live longer, and our homes get to stand longer. But no, no, put that foot of yours out, or get lazy for a day or two, and Voila! They sniff the air: Wow! Empty! And dusty! And without further ado your property becomes their living quarters. They get married right there beneath your TV set; they conceive their babies behind your PC; eat up their spouses behind your oven; bring their offspring into the world behind your dressing mirror, and eat them up, too, therein, and this happens all the while you are queuing up for security check at some airport or other.  Unfortunately, Silanyo’s Somaliland does not fare any better. As Khaatumites and Awdalites will tell you, Silanyo’s Somaliland was similarly conceive and similarly weaved…. while the boys were out. But fortunately for world peace, the boys are back and are now in full swing doing what any returning homeowner would do 
By the same token, the first thing any housewife would do upon her return is that she rolls up her sleeves and she gets to work on the dust, and if any spiders are caught red-handed in the cleanup process, believe me, no housewife worth her salt will shed a tear: Bloody usurpers, they had it coming!
For the past two decades the leaders of North Western Somalia have been spinning and weaving an idea called Somaliland; a tyrannical project that was as inconsiderate as it was unachievable. But, odd as it was, the idea soon became like a virus; a virus that infected the minds and psyches of many people, Somalis and non-Somalis alike. And we all began parroting the same name, “Somaliland”.
Men and women, adults and children, scholars and laymen, elders and presidents, everyone got the virus, the Somaliland bug. Nobody was safe, not even our own beloved President, Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud. His Excellency did not recline in his seat long enough before he, too, got infected by the spreading virus, the Somaliland condition. 
It was as if everyone was paid to promote it; it was as if everyone was paid to carry it; to make it happen, make it sound credible, and feasible.  With no one having any plans or idea as to how and where this “Somaliland house” was to be built…Legally, that is. 
Not only did our President congratulate Silanyo on his phony elections, the President of Somalia also endorsed his predecessor’s ill-advised notion of the alleged “Two-Nation- In- Talk-Theory”.
But what the wronged peoples of Awdal, Makhir and Khaatumo State of Somalia will tell you is that they already are Somalis and that they are not part of that program. As far as they are concerned there’s only one Somalia. Anyone who wishes to have a private dialogue with Silanyo’s Somaliland is more than welcome. There is, however, a burning issue that needs to be addressed, sooner rather than later, and that is the futility of building an exclusive home for yourself in someone else’s territory.
Safi Abdi

Friday, January 18, 2013

NO to Somaliland's Blackmail to the London Conference

The minister for "foreign" affairs of the one-clan secessionist enclave calling itself Somaliland is reported to have raised unacceptable condition amounting to blackmail for their participation in the forthcoming London talks between the government of Somalia and its northern region (former British Somaliland). According to press reports, the minister was quoted as threatening their boycott of the forthcoming talks in London if representatives of the federal government include anyone hailing from the north (former British Somaliland). He claimed their position on this matter was accepted at the previous London conference in February 2011 and also at a subsequent meeting in Dubai between their leader, Siilaanyo, and the former Somali president, Sheikh Shariif Ahmed. If that is the case, where is the proof and, if he has one, what is the point of his spurious threat? The answer, of course, is that the minister has typically taken liberties with the truth as he has so often done in the past. Read the article here