Here are two gentlemen. In their ego filled heads, they think they know better than their tribesmen. One of them, the guy on the left, is brainwashed naive fella. He has been paying SNM "Qaraan" since the old days. He was married to SNM, and he lost touch with reality. I am not the one who stoops so low (for the most part i should say) so, i won't talk about his wife. But surely, the only thing holding this lowlife to his crazy bewildered position is his wife. There is a term in Hargaysa land. People like him are referred to "Is Xambaar." That means, he is where he is because someone else brought him over. So, that is where he is at. He is naive and he has no backbone to stand. He will die in Hargaisa defending SNM stand and starving the people of his father. He will die defeated and in despair. We will leave him there. He deserves there I am sure.
As for the other dude, I knew all along, he smelled the title of "president" and he will do everything in his power to achieve it. He tried in Somalia. And sadly, for him at least, he came short. I knew his ONLY motive for his unity stand was to achieve that elusive title. But, I still supported because I like Boorame people. They are Somali unity lovers and seeing one of them as president is nice feeling. But this guy disappointed me much. As I am sure he did million others. If you listen to this guy now and you watch his old vids in youtube, it is just amazing how a desire can drive you crazy literally. They will never succeed dividing Somalia to appease their masters. This land of Northern Somalia is full of men with vision and courage that supersede some lowly desire and vision-less characters. Let them stay where they are. Both of these two stooges have brothers whom they can't measure up against. Wave that SNM flag please, and let your idiocy guide you. Somalia will do better with the absence of your childish, vindictive and submissive heads.